You Are What You Eat

Broccoli head

Have you ever talked to a passionate vegan who asked you to give up meat?  If you’re anything like me, you might have responded with, “I didn’t fight my way to the top of the food chain to eat plants!”

There are many superb reasons to go meat-free:

1)      For religious reasons

2)      For greater wellness

3)      For social reasons

4)      For global reasons

Unlike many carnivores, I am not threatened by those who “Go V!”.  For those who don’t know, vegetarians are those who do not eat meat.  Vegans are those who do not eat any animal products.  Vegetarians eat fish, eggs, milk, and cheese.  Vegans don’t eat any of those.  Some of the tastiest food I’ve ever eaten was vegetarian.

Regardless, it can be extremely uncomfortable for me to talk with someone who is passionately vegan by choice.

Take the authors of Skinny Bitch.  Both are passionate vegans who dare to expose the horrors of the meat and dairy industry with a “take no prisoners” approach.  I almost lost my lunch while reading their chapter on animal cruelty.

Personally, I’ve toyed with the idea of “meatless Mondays” or vegetarian before dinner.  This is amazing for a person who once ate meat every 3 hours.  One of the cornerstones of my weight loss program was to follow a body-building diet.  This diet requires vast amounts of protein eaten every 3-4 hours.

It is certainly possible to eat protein without eating meat or dairy.  But, it’s much harder.  Unlike the authors of Skinny Bitch, I don’t understand the logic of eating vegetarian substitutes that imitate meat.  Isn’t that the ultimate in processed foods?  How much engineering does it take to create a “tofu dog”?  Or “meatless meatball”?

The authors were certainly right about one thing.  You are what you eat.

Those of you who follow my blog know that I went gluten-free for one month.  I suppose it might be possible to eat gluten-free and vegan.  If you want to eat salad all day long.

Salad is for rabbits!

What would inspire you to “Go V?”  Share your story!