Cure Obesity

BeforeRecently, I asked weight loss professionals to discuss whether they believe that obesity is a disease.  Whether you are obese or not, this topic can have implications for all of us.  As a former fat girl, speaker and blogger on weight loss, I am especially interested in this topic.

Most of the participants disagreed that obesity is a disease.  The ones who disagreed stated that the real culprits of obesity are poor lifestyle habits such as eating too much, not exercising enough, or eating the wrong foods.

Participants who agreed that obesity is a disease believe it impacts quality of life with other medical factors.  These people were relieved that there might be more support for those looking for a “cure”.

What surprised me the most was some of these weight loss professionals who were former fat people still believed that it was a disease.  The biggest miracle of all is that they were able to “cure” the disease of obesity.

I found a cure, and I would love to share it with you!  Subscribe to my email list for your free 5 in 5 for 5 report. Once you subscribe, you will receive weekly information on how to cure obesity for life! 

If you are already subscribed, share your opinion below.  Weight loss professionals are not the only ones with opinions 😉

Do you believe that obesity is a disease?  Why or why not?

9 thoughts on “Cure Obesity

  1. I’ve never really thought about obesity as a disease. I know there are some diseases that lead to Obesity or linked to obesity. But honestly never thought about it as one in itself. It makes sense though.Intriguing point.

    1. Yes, Amy, the medical groups appear to be taking a new approach to the problem of obesity. I wonder if it will help or add to the problem. What are your thoughts about that.

  2. Interesting topic! I have to say that I do think it is a disease, at least somewhat, and I’ve read the impact of toxins on things like thyroid, hormones, and medical conditions that can cause obesity EVEN WHEN it’s not discovered for many, many years – presumably some never know. Definitely genetically affected, I think too, since I come from a family where no has met the criteria of obesity, except my one grandmother in her later years.

    1. Thanks for sharing, Gina. The interesting difference I noted between weight loss professionals and individuals who are struggling to lose weight is they don’t agree on whether obesity is a disease. That’s probably why many women join support groups to help them lose. They want someone who shares their mindset but who can also motivate them.

  3. According to the Google Dictionary, this is the definition of disease:
    “1. a disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant, esp. one that produces specific signs or symptoms or that affects a specific location and is not simply a direct result of physical injury.
    2. a particular quality, habit, or disposition regarded as adversely affecting a person or group of people.”

    So yes, I would say that obesity is a disease. Obesity is the body’s response to our food and nutrition and exercise or lack thereof. The disorder of structure or function comes from the body store more fat that it requires, and the specific signs or symptoms are an increase in weight, loss of energy/motivation, etc.

    Similarly, with the second definition, obesity is also a particular quality/habit/disposition that is adversely affecting a person or group of people because it is impacting their health and future in a negative way.

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