
Three Golden Nuggets

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Imagine you are panning for gold in California. You have abandoned your home, your family, and even your career for just one chance to strike gold. You are scared that you will get only flakes of gold from your efforts. Until, you shake your pan back and forth, and find several large, golden nuggets. I […]


How do you Overcome Challenges?

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Remember the song, “We Shall Overcome”? The song is a good source of inspiration when you don’t where to turn. However, sometimes you just need to sit down with someone, and talk about how they have overcome significant challenges. Being able to speak one-on-one with someone, and ask them questions can provide you just the […]


The Truth about Childhood Obesity

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The first and last time I wore a bikini was when I was three years old. I don’t remember wearing the bikini, but I have seen pictures of me in a cute, dark green two-piece. Strong 4 Life in Georgia had released ads in 2012 that featured obese children telling how difficult their life is. […]